Website Use and Function

Dear classmates, 

Our website has been essential in connecting us for our reunions. But we’d like for it to be useful to us all the years in between. Please let us know how we can make the site better by answering a few questions. 

Diane and Rusty,




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* Answer Required
1)   Do you use the website for reunion information?

Yes No
2)   * Do you use the website between reunions?

Yes No
3)   Do you keep in touch with classmates through Facebook?

Yes No
4)   Do you keep in touch with classmates through Instagram?

Yes No
5)   Would you use the mbhs71 website more if it had more functionality?

Yes No
6)   * What added functionality would you like to see on the MBHS71 website?

7)   * Would you be wiling to provide occasional technical assistance to our website administrators on things like updating the "In Memory" section of our website?

Yes No